Bimini Mangrove Restoration, Bahamas

Ongoing mangrove restoration project in Bimini began in 2019 and continued in 2020 after Hurricane Dorian’s devastation. The restoration was initiated by WATERWASH Projects in collaboration with Waterkeepers Bahamas and Mr. Pinder’s art class at Louise McDonald High School, Bimini. The project’s title “H.O.M.E. (Help Our Mangrove Ecosystem)” was chosen from student suggestions. Both trips rescued mangroves from development, encouraged environmental artwork with students, and contributed to GO H.O.M.E. Bimini, an interactive video game based on the project.

GO H.O.M.E. Bimini gameplay simulation, 2020

 "H.O.M.E. Help Our Mangrove Ecosystem" documentation of mangrove restoration, Bimini

Student participant, Brian Rolle, monitors mangrove restoration progress, January 2021

GO H.O.M.E. Bimini Partners


Lumbini Crane Sanctuary, Nepal